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How to delete a Odnoklassniki / Одноклассники account?

Delete your Odnoklassniki / Одноклассники account

The description of the service:

Odnoklassniki, (Russian: Одноклассники; English: Classmates) is a social network service for classmates and old friends.

Deletion complexity:


1. Go to your account and click the link 'Delete account' 2. After the last paragraph (at the bottom of the agreement) click the link to 'Refuse service': 3. Of the 5 causes we are asked to choose the most suitable. Also we are warned that deleting a profile will disappear and all the pictures (that we need), comments, history, scores in games etc. 4. Then enter the password and, once having thought it over, click 'Delete forever'.

Direct links to delete: