How to delete a Grindr account?

The description of the service:
Grindr is a geosocial networking application (or app) geared towards gay and bisexual men, designed to help such men meet other men in their area. It runs on iOS and Android. Available for download from the Apple App Store and Google Play, Grindr comes in both free and subscription-based versions. The app makes use of mobile devices' geolocation, a feature of smart phones and other devices which allows users to locate other men who are nearby. This is accomplished through a user interface that displays a grid of representative photos of men, arranged from nearest to farthest away. Tapping on a picture will display a brief profile for that user, as well as the option to chat, send pictures, and share one's location.
Deletion complexity:
Submit an account deletion request via their web form, including all requested account details.